Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Microphone Abuser

Hello humans
So after recently trolling to some seriously awesome blog sites I have made my peace with the fact that in comparative mine will not be as cool or artsy or interesting. As cute, quirky, interesting, haught couture are not words used to describe my dress sense, I don’t have empecable taste for things in life I don’t even have amazing stories to tell about my action packed days….

Im just someone who has moved to dubai and is in the process of trying to sink my teeth into this place and readjusting and trying to get bearings in this new life…not as easy as I thought it was going to be…

Dubai is an awesome place whether or not it’s a place a person can truly settle down and live for a long duration of time is up for debate but its certainly is interesting…its very different to Sydney where…I don’t know what it was about that place. A place, I felt where inspiration was oozing out of every pore and was around every corner here its a lot harder to find such inspiration its highly commercialised and mainstream it lacks personality, and character and for a place that has such potential to be rich in heritage and culture it seriously lacks and what culture they do portray just seems fake and staged used more as a tourist gimmick than actually being intouch with their history and heritage….which is sad….

In saying that it does its job …to unaware onlookers it all really does look fascinating intriguing and its definitely a place you want to experience…and there are definitely some awesome places you want to check out.. Over the last two months I’ve been keeping a mental note of places to take kirstie to when she comes to visit me I thought I’d document them down pictures and all in my next blog because there are still a few places I want to go to and try out to determine whether they go on the list or not…

That’s all from me today


Photo of the day
Day 56

I just like this photo cuz it perfectly represents my day so far watching old school Buffy (as seen being burnt at the stake above) in my monkey pajamas ^-^


  1. i think i have to differ with you there. i love reading through your blog it's real and there is a very appealing quality in something out there that is real. comfort in knowing that there is someone else out there that isn't always perfect and happy that you don't have to be :p. can't wait to see these places that your going to take me. went past the travel agent today it said return flights dubai $1200 very quite look tomorrow i have to check on that. to good to be true! :)

  2. hey check out www.polyvore.com
